RD 7586 Elvis For You (the album that never was)
Back in June of 1964 The Elvis Monthly reported that this album was due at any time & also listed the 10 tracks that would be featured.
This would contain the tracks from Loving You (which by then was deleted) + the added bonus songs Summer Kisses, Winter Tears & Flaming Star as the latter 2 songs had not yet been issued in the U.K.
Once again in 1964 The Elvis Monthly reported the release
date unknown but possibly September or the latest October of that year (this never happened).
In the April of 1965 Albert Hand (The Elvis Monthly Editor / Owner) reported that he had received a demo copy of the RD 7586 album with another 2 added songs making it a 12 track album, the added 2 songs were Are You Lonesome Tonight & It’s Now Or Never.
On release the album was issued only this time it was as RD 7723 Flaming Star & Summer Kisses, also worth noting there was never an SF (stereo) version of this.
Later a Decca engineer had a few demo albums he wanted to sell, G.I Blues / 2 Single sided LP’s from Blue Hawaii & the RD 7586 Elvis For You. Now you can enjoy the album that never was.
Flaming Star
Mean Woman Blues
Teddy Bear
Loving You
Got A Lot O’ Livin’ To Do
Summer Kisses, Winter Tears
Lonesome Cowboy
Hot Dog
True Love
Loving You – farm version 2 – master take 14
Loving You – main version 2 – fast movie version take 11
Got A Lot O’ Livin’ To Do – alternate master
Party – movie version – take 7 – alternate master
Flaming Star – take 5*
Summer Kisses, Winter Tears – take 15 & 16*
Summer Kisses, Winter Tears – take 19*
Flaming Star – take 3*
Black Star – take 5*
Flaming Star – mono version as featured on the Flaming Star & Summer Kisses lp.
* stereo