This is the Work of Alan White the foremost Specialist in the Elvis Presley HMV Worldwide Released Records 78rpm / 45rpm / EP’s & LP’s (Including Test Pressings/ Demonstration Discs / Variations etc, etc)
Did you know POP 408 Lawdy, Miss Clawdy was Issued in the UK with Gold Lettering !! (I certainly didn’t)
Have you ever seen a Solid Centre Elvis UK HMV 45rpm !! (I Hadn’t)
If you thought you knew about the Elvis HMV Releases…..Think Again!!
Meticulous Detail to easily Identify the Variations.
With Excellent Colour Photographed Covers & Labels (Colour Photographs give a much truer Picture of a Label than a Colour Scan) this Magnificent 100 pge + is all you need to know Regarding Elvis’ Historic releases on this Label.
78’s from England / Ireland / N.Zealand / Pakistan
45’s from England / New Zealand
EP’s from England
LP’s from England / New Zealand
& Much, Much, More
This is being Exclusively Sold through The Elvis Shop / Studio B
This Book is aimed at the Serious Collector of the HMV Label.
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